Welcome To The Shakin 'N Bakin Blog!

Welcome to my blog! I love to cook and bake for my family. I hope you enjoy the recipes, foodie reviews, foodie giveaways and cooking tips posted on my blog.

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mrs. Cubbison's Multi-Grain Stuffing Mix

Today's foodie product review is being brought to us by Mrs. Cubbison's. The product is their Multi-Grain Stuffing Mix with Cranberries and their Crispy Onions food products.

First up...the Mrs. Cubbinson's Multi-Grain Stuffing Mix with Cranberries. This stuffing mix can be made quickly and easily by following the preparation instructions printed right on the package. Since my hubby was doing the cooking he prepared the stuffing via the stove-top method which only took a few minutes from start to finish. He then served this stuffing to our family during our Thanksgiving meal and waited to hear their thoughts on it. We had mixed reviews with this one. About 1/2 of our guests that the stuff was bland in taste and texture and didn't care for it much at all. The other 1/2 of our guests liked it and would purchase it for their holiday and family meals. So overall...mixed reviews here in the Hill household.
The Crispy Onions were used as a topping on my mother's famous Green Bean Casserole. Since I dislike her casserole I didn't try any of it. However...everyone who had dinner at our home did try her casserole and everyone gave the casserole along with the Crispy Onions a big two thumbs up! As you can see...our guests much preferred this product over the first one that we tried.

You can find a lot of great looking recipes over on the Mrs. Cubbinson's web site and make sure you check out all of their tasty, easy to make food products that they have to offer while you are over there visiting their web site. We would also like to invite you to check out their fabulous Thanksgiving Tips too!

We would like to thank Mrs. Cubbinson's for the opportunity to try out and sample their products and we look forward to trying out a few more in the near future.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free to feature the company & their products here on this blog.