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Sunday, January 4, 2015

5 Tips to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

I think many of us make New Year's resolutions but very few of us keep them after a few short weeks. I know for myself, I am definitely guilty of that. However, this year...I have a plan and I am going to hold myself accountable for each & every resolution that I make. I am motivated this year and hopefully I can stay on track.

Today, I am sharing a very timely article with all of you that will give you some tips on how you can keep your New Year's Resolutions too!

5 Tips to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
Health & Nutrition Expert Helps Renovate Your Lifestyle

It’s that time of year again…for New Year’s resolutions. Let’s be honest – everyone makes big resolutions for themselves on January 1st, but seldom are they brought to fruition.

According to fitness expert and nutrition specialist Joey Thurman, founder of The Lifestyle Renovation, people tend to think too narrowly about the New Year’s resolutions, and that can cost them in the long run.

“When folks approach the New Year with a goal – any goal – they often don’t think big enough,” says Thurman. “For example, if the goal is to lose weight, people often overlook the incredible health benefits of actually doing so,” says Thurman. “Instead of aiming to look good in a bikini or eat fewer carbs, resolve to adjust the things in your life that cause you to turn to food for comfort.”

Below are Joey’s top five tips to keeping your resolutions and renovating your life in 2015.

Set the right goal: This might seem intuitive, but it’s a critical first step. “This is about setting realistic goals that address the problems you want to fix most,” says Joey. “So, if you want to eat healthy, start by resolving to substitute unhealthy desserts for fruit. That way, you’re making smaller changes that will have a bigger impact.”

Lose the negativity: Although you may have tried and failed in the past, this is now, and you can do it. “When people think about failure, they set themselves up for failure,” says Thurman. Think positive thoughts about your resolutions each morning, and that positivity will stick with you all day long.

Rid yourself of enablers: Everyone has that one friend that encourages them to eat unhealthy food or skip the gym. “Be up front with the enablers in your life,” suggests Joey. “Let them know your goals and ask them to be supportive or stop hanging out with them.”

Stay accountable: Whether it’s working with a fitness coach or tracking progress on an app with friends, accountability is the key to success. “When my clients aren’t accountable to someone else, they often rationalize cheating on their resolutions, which is a very slippery slope.”

Celebrate your successes: Setting goals only works if you celebrate your success. “Achieving milestones is something to be proud of and celebrate,” says Joey. “Plan how you want to celebrate and do so with vigor. Then, get back to work the next day.”

1 comment:

jopb said...

These are all good tips. I think that making sure everyone knows you want to do this resolution and having someone encourage you are the most important. I also believe that being too strict will lead to failure.