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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Breathe Easier with Choice Organic Teas

I am so excited to be reviewing a tea from Choice Organics again! The tea that I am reviewing is called Organic Breathing Space Echinacea Blend. With this refreshing blend, you can breathe deep and help maintain healthy airways. Also, this is a caffeine free tea, perfect to sip before bedtime.

One of the most popular immunity supporting herbs, echinacea, is in this tea. It is paired with the elder flower, which is trusted by herbalists to support healthy sinuses, ears, and throats. Another ingredient, eucalyptus, is known for thousands of years to help support respiratory function for healthy breathing.

It has a light, bright minty taste. As soon as I opened the box, I could smell the soothing fragrance of the eucalyptus. This tea particularly appealed to me because I get chronic sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, and suffer from seasonal allergies, which I am battling right now.

Directions for suggested use for optimum efficacy is boil fresh water, pour eight ounces directly over the tea bag into your favorite teacup, and steep for five to ten minutes. Add natural sweetener to taste if desired. When I brewed my tea I added Stevia sweetener, a fresh wedge of lemon, and a bit of honey. But even if you add nothing at all, the tea tastes great alone.

I would drink one cup when I woke up in the morning because my nose is always blocked and stuffy in the morning due to allergies. I start to open up and breathe easier after my first cup! I also have a cup before bed because for all you allergy sufferers, you know mornings and evenings are the worst.

It is caffeine free and especially relaxing before bed, and opens up the airways so you can breathe easier while sleeping. If you suffer from sinus problems, allergies, or just want to enjoy a relaxing cup of tea, please give Choice Organic Teas a try!

Disclosure: This review is by Christine O. No monetary compensation was received. Christine's opinion is 100% her own and was not influenced by the sponsor. Please visit the company's site to learn more about them and their products.

1 comment:

jopb said...

This doe sound like a good tea to take if one has allergy or sinus problems. I often use echinacea to supplement my immune system.